Love Communication

Communication in Love and Relationships

  • Communication can have you feeling understood, accepted, loved and supported.

  • Communication can also leave you feeling misunderstood, frustrated, angry, hurt, ignored and invalidated.

  • Notice what your energy is like when you feel:

    • Understood, accepted, loved, and supported.

    • Invalidated, misunderstood, or hurt.

Honoring our Yes to Ourselves

  • Focusing on loving yourself first, so that you can become the partner you want to have.

  • Treat yourself the way you want to be treated.

  • You are the one you’ve been looking for!

Experiential Exercise

  • I felt most loved when…

  • What was happening when you felt most loved?

  • How did you know when to feel loved?

  • What did you hear, see or feel?

When it comes to love the more you can relax, the more you can open up, instead of closing off and being on the defense.

What areas in your life need to be nourished?

  1. Personal Responsibility

  2. Clarity

  3. Self-Love

  4. Boundaries

  5. Trust

  6. Authenticity/Realness

  7. Communication

  8. Appreciation

  9. Shared pleasure

  10. Giving and receiving 

What would you like to be experiencing instead in these areas?

What is your main motivation for having this now, and what would it look or feel like once you have it?

I challenge you to get curious and question how you are currently approaching different areas of your relationships.

I want you to unlock your potential so that you are empowered to create absolutely anything you desire to create in your life.

I inspire you to step into full alignment in every area of your life with who you want to be. 


  • Are you clear on what you would like to be experiencing in your specific relationships (romantic, friends, family, colleagues)?

  • Are you looking to improve your communication, share more of your authentic selves, find a romantic partner, or spark the fire with your spouse again?

  • What is it that you really want?

  • What do you long for?

  • What do you desire?


  • Are you aware of how you prefer to resolve conflict when it arises? Do you tend to speak your truth in conversation, or hold back and belittle what is true for them?

  • Do you require feedback and affirmations to thrive, or do you tend to minimally verbalize, or use non-verbal communication?

  • Communication is all about the exchange between people and what is being transmitted.

  • Often, there is a misunderstanding, which usually leads to a break in trust, and a break in the relationship.


  • How do you view yourself independently without the influence of another?

  • In what ways do you honor your needs? And do you take care of yourself now, or not?

  • Do you have a positive, loving self-talk, or are you harsh, judgmental and mean to yourself?

  • Do you have an “inner dictator” that lives inside of you, that tells you what you can and cannot have?

  • Are you creating regular time for self care? (Self sacrificing or Self Loving?)


  • Are you aware of what you need to have in place to thrive?

  • How have you created, honored, and protected your boundaries in the past?

  • Have you created boundaries? Do you know what your boundaries are? Do you allow them to be defied?

  • Do you experience resistance internally or externally when expressing a boundary to another?

  • Is there a place in a relationship in your life where you are craving to say no, but don’t feel you have permission to?

  • Is there a place in a relationship in your life where you are saying yes, but haven’t given yourself permission?


  • Do you trust your internal knowing to guide you and make the best choices in order for you to move forward?

  • Are you attuned to your inner-knowing?

  • Do you make promises and keep them?

  • Do you trust others easily, or are you skeptical and slow to trust because of past experiences?

  • Do you trust others too much?


  • Do you feel you can fully be yourself, and still be loved?

  • Do you feel you can be completely honest about your thoughts and feelings without losing love and connection?

  • Do you feel you must hide or shut down and contort a part of yourself in an effort to belong?

  • If you feel you have to hide or shut down a part of yourself, where, if at all, do you feel like you can be completely honest about yourself and still be loved?


  • Do you feel appreciated by the people in your life?

  • Are you really hard on yourself, or do you feel appreciated?

  • Do you give appreciateion and feel it for others?

  • How often do you express your appreciation?

  • Appreciation creates generosity in your emotional bank account.

  • Are you developing a habit of generous seeing or appreciation, for ourselves, and others?

Shared Pleasure

  • Do you have mutually pleasurable experiences with those closest to you?

  • Are you aware of what this might look or feel like for you?

  • Examples that are intimate; quality time or physical touch (sex, massage, etc)

  • Examples that are not intimate; play, shared goals, trying new things together, an openness to be authentic self, laughter, deep conversations, sharing time together just for the fun of it.

Giving and Receiving

  • Do you have a cycle of both giving and receiving in your life?

  • Where are the scales out of balance?

  • Are there specific areas of your life where you tend to be predominately only giving or receiving?

Personal Responsibility

  • Are you taking responsibility for your own experience, happiness, and fulfillment?

  • Where do you notice that you are blaming others for us not being happy?

  • Where are you trying to outsource your happiness?

  • Where do you feel you are taking ownership for your experience?

  • How would you like it to be different moving forward?


Communication Tools